Sunday, June 27, 2010

Pastor's Notes fo June 27, 2010

MARK THE DATE, Sunday, July 11 at 4 p.m. for Community Worship in the Park sponsored by the Ministerial Association.

AT THE ANNUAL PICNIC, July 15, 16, & 17 FCC will have a booth from 6 – 10 p.m. each evening. At the booth we will offer information about our congregation & sign-up for a drawing on the last day of the picnic. We will give away a woman’s purse, a man’s wallet, and a children’s Bible story book.

HOW CAN YOU BE INVOLVED with the congregation at the picnic?
1) Volunteer an hour at the booth. [See Jennie Barrett to sign up for an hour.]
2) Pray for the outreach.
3) Drop by for a few minutes when you are in the park if you're not a volunteer.
4) Donate bags of Tootsie Roll Pops. [After a person registers for a gift we will give them information about our congregation and a Tootsie Roll Pop with the invitation, 'Pop in and see us sometime.']

SEVERAL HAVE ASKED, “Do we still need money for the campers?” The answer is, “Yes.” We also need an adult who will work with the kids to park cars during the picnic. 2010 Campers: Sara Culbertson (June 14-19), Lydia Anderson (July 25-31), Ben Vickers & Kayla Cochran (August 1-7).

Reflecting on the Scriptures: FREE FROM THE LAW!
Galatians 5:1, 13-25. Christian freedom from the law is NOT unrestrained permission to do whatever one pleases. Neither is it the separation from relationships. FREEDOM IS God-centered living; a gift of God empowering us to live and serve like Jesus did. Paul contrasts a self-centered life to a God-centered life, one empowered by God’s Holy Spirit, the other motivated by selfish passions and desires.

Luke 9:51-62. As his ministry on earth came to its end Jesus experienced rejection in Samaria and ignorance among his disciples! From the crowd came an eager one who had not yet counted the cost of discipleship, another one who made excuses when invited to follow Jesus, and one who wanted to postpone a commitment. Where are we?

2 Kings 2:1-2, 6-14. The mantle is passed! Literally, the prophetic ministry of Elijah ends and Elisha picks up the old prophet’s mantle and continues the ministry. Elijah was intentional in this, inviting & helping Elisha develop skills for ministry before giving the responsibility to him.

Psalm 77:1-2, 11-20. The psalmist in deep despair recalls the Lord’s work in the past and begins to speak directly with God, recounting aloud God’s might and majesty. [The readings from Luke, Kings, & Psalm give examples from scripture of God-centered lives for us to imitate.]

COMMUNION MEDITATIONGalatians 1:1, 4; 5:1,13b, 24
Let the words of the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Galatians guide our thoughts as we come to this table. Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead… The Lord Jesus Christ…gave himself for our sins to set us free from the present evil age… For freedom Christ has set us free. not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires and are empowered by the Holy Spirit toward good.

We have the freedom in Christ to love and to serve—to live as our Lord lived dedicated to the Father and empowered by the Holy Spirit!

And so that we can remember how he lived and how he died, he gave us this meal. On the night he was betrayed, Jesus took bread—blessed it and broke it, saying: “This is my body, given for you. Take and eat. Do this in remembrance of me.” In like manner, after the meal, Jesus took the cup saying: “This is my blood of the new covenant poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. Take and drink, in remembrance of me.”

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Pastor's Notes for June 20, 2010

COMMUNITY WORSHIP IN THE PARK. Sunday, July 11, the Ministerial Association will host the annual worship in the park. The community choir will be revived, directed by Judy Willmon of Park Street Christian church. To participate in the choir contact Park Street’s new minister, Larry Daniel, at 876-2992 for more information.

ONE WEEK OF SUMMER CAMP costs from $290 to $315. Families provide half of the camp tuition and campers also park cars during the Picnic to supplement their camp expenses, but, like a three-legged stool, our contributions continue to be an important part of camp participation. 2010 Campers: Sara Culbertson, Ben Vickers, Kayla Cochran & Lydia Anderson.

Reflecting on the Scriptures: WHY THE LAW?
1 Kings 19:1-18. Elijah, discouraged after what appears to him to be futile ministry, is strengthened and encouraged by the Lord. He is assured that others will continue the work the Lord began with the prophet Elijah—the circumstances are not as dire as the prophet thought!

Psalm 42 & 43. The psalmist recognizes the longing and anguish of his own soul—a longing for God and the anguished feeling of hopelessness. Then, remembering God’s promises, the psalmist questions himself and tells himself to find hope in a faithful and loving God.

1 As the deer pants for streams of water,
so my soul pants for you, O God.
2 My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.
When can I go and meet with God?

Luke 8:26-39. When Jesus encounters the miserable and hopeless (even today) he asks us to name that which plagues us and proceeds to progressively heal us! Then he sends us on our way to declare what God has done for us!

Galatians 3:23-29. God’s unmerited favor (grace) is received by faith, not by keeping the Law of Moses. God’s favor is not earned by our obedience to any legal system. Then, why the law? The law exposes our sinfulness, our inability to live up to God’s standards. The God-given rules discipline us until we can come to God’s promises revealed in Christ. Read all of chapter 3 to see Paul’s reasoning.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Pastor's Notes for June 13, 2010

IF MOVED BY THE LORD see Jennie Barrett to sign up to help at the picnic—for an hour on July 15, 16, or 17, 6pm to 10pm or for set up & take down before and after. Planners: Jennie Barrett, Mary Horn, Lonnie McNeese, Don Wooldridge & Bill Yurk.
Jennie and I will provide an orientation for all volunteers on Monday evening, July 12.

IF MOVED BY THE LORD help send one of our youth to camp. Your check can be placed in the collection plate, designated CAMP in the memo. Campers include Sarah Culbertson, Ben Vickers, & Kayla Cochran.

BACKGROUND SCRIPTURES to help better understand our reading of Galatians: Saul (becomes Paul), Acts 7:54—9:31; Barnabas & Saul commissioned, Acts 13:1-3; Saul becomes Paul, Acts 13:4-12; first mission trip continues thru Acts 14:28; teachers of ‘another’ gospel, Acts 15; Paul’s testimony, Acts 22:6-21 & 26:12-23; Paul preaching in Galatia, Acts 13:16-52; towns in Galatia = Iconium, Lycaonia, Lystra, Acts 14.

Reflecting on the Scriptures:

Psalm 5:1-8. A sigh, a cry, a prayer and a plea goes up to God for righteousness to prevail, all the while trusting that the steadfast love of the Lord will lead us in the right path.

1 Kings 21:1-21a. The Lord abhors the blood thirsty and deceitful yet injustice seems to prevail! Injustice seems to win until the word of the Lord is boldly spoken against it.

Luke 7:36—8:3. Many sins forgiven, much love shown; fewer sins forgiven, less love shown! How do you estimate your sins before God, a little or a lot?

Galatians 2:15-21. A person is not made right with God by keeping the ten commandments, temple rituals, Hebrew dietary laws or covenant circumcision but rather through faith in Jesus Christ, though the faithfulness of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Pastor's Notes for June 6, 2010

HELP SEND A CHILD TO CAMP. Your check can be placed in the collection plate, designated CAMP in the memo. Campers are Sarah Culbertson, Ben Vickers, and Kayla Cochran.

PICNIC VOLUNTEERS see Jennie Barrett to sign up to be in the FCC booth for an hour, 6pm & 10pm, July 15, 16, or 17. Picnic planners Jennie Barrett, Mary Horn, Lonnie McNeese, Don Wooldridge or Bill Yurk can answer your questions.

ELDERS, please forgive us in the office. The following changes failed to register in the June newsletter:
June 6—Jeanie Ogle & Kyle Vickers
June 13—Darlene Walsh & Jim Pope
June 20—Rhonda Culbertson & Mike Frier
June 27—Dick Culbertson & Debbie Vickers
July 4—Kathy Dains & Mike Frier

Reflecting on the Scriptures:

1 Kings 17:8-16 (17-24). Scripture calls our attention to the people without a voice—the widow, the orphan, and the stranger. Prophet Elijah becomes a stranger in a foreign land and receives help from a widow who has lost hope.

Psalm 146. The Lord watches over the stranger, the orphan and the widow and calls God’s people to execute justice for them, the oppressed and the hungry, to engender hope.

Luke 7:11-17. In Nain Jesus has compassion for the grieving widow who is burying her son. Like Elijah, Jesus raises him to life and is declared a prophet by the people. Seeing a compassionate response means God is at work in their midst and the crowd gives glory to God.

Galatians 1:1-24. Paul testifies to God’s intervention in his own life and celebrates his god-given task to take the good news of Jesus Christ beyond the Jewish community. Paul becomes the stranger, estranged from his own heritage in order to tell the nations that God is at work in Jesus Christ.

The following summary of our service will appear in our local newspapers this week.
Grace—God’s unexpected generosity—God’s unmerited favor—God’s love poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit given to us—the Lord Jesus Christ giving himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age! That’s the good news of God’s grace! That’s the gospel!

The acolytes Ben Vickers and Dustin Burlingame lit the candles as a symbol of Christ present in our midst. Bobby Huber brought in the bread and the cup of grape juice for the communion table, more reminders of the Lord’s presence.

Worship leader, Shirley Lynn, welcomed us and made the announcements. Then Pastor Barbara reminded us that June 1 was the fifth anniversary of the congregation’s gracious call to her to transition from part-time interim minister to permanent full-time minister.

The theme of grace continued in our call to worship and in our hymns. “By grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God….” Pastor Barbara emphasized the importance of our remembering that God initiated the process that brought us back to the safety of God’s loving embrace.

In our testimony we might forget that God went out looking for us like the shepherd looking for the lost lamb. It was God who swept the floor and moved furniture, searching for us like the woman who finally found the lost coin and rejoiced. “We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works…” Grace at work!