Monday, October 25, 2010

Pastor's Notes for October 24, 2010

CELEBRATION OF MINISTRY! October is the time to express appreciation for ministry in the 'called out' community of faith. We recognize that the variety of abilities, talents, services and works in the church are generated and inspired by the same Lord. 1 Corinthians 12:4-5

SPIRITUAL GIFTS, abilities given by the Holy Spirit, are listed in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10, Ephesians 4:11-12, 1 Peter 4:7-11, and Romans 12:4-8. Some spiritual gifts are wisdom, understanding, knowledge, faith, prayer of healing, miracles, preaching, discernment of spirits, tongues (languages & interpretations), mission work, speaking truth to power, evangelism, pastor-teacher (pastoral care), hospitality, administration, encouragement, helping others, generosity, leadership, acts of mercy...

What is your spiritual gift? How has the Holy Spirit empowered you for ministry? The church exists when the Holy Spirit is active in a congregation, where both the fruit of the Spirit controls our attitudes and the gifts of the Spirit empower our work. Your contribution to our spiritual life in the church is appreciated. Thank you for being you.

Reflecting on the Scriptures
On the Edge of Death: longing for the Lord

2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18. The author of these words sits alone, abandoned, imprisoned, facing imminent death, but speaks with confidence of what awaits him. He assues his reader that the reward is not for him alone but for all who long for the Lord's appearing.

Joel 2:23-32. Joy, abundance, promises of restoration from the Lord lead to exuberant praise and worship. Then, more promises are made to God's people! "...I will pour out my spirit on all flesh..." and those longing for the Lord will call on God's name. Those who fall through the cracks--God calls!

Psalm 65. Praise God for forgiveness! Blessed are those who draw near to God, who long for the Lord. God's response--deliverance! With longing, acknowledge the creative power of God and be awed by God's bounty!

Luke 18:9-14. The opposite of 'longing for the Lord' would be those who trust in themselves, think themselves righteous an look down on others with contempt! If you are in that group, this parable is told especially for you!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Longing for the Lord

Reflections on Psalm 42

There are times in our lives when we long for the Lord—like a thirsty deer longs for water. Often during those times tears flow; our heart aches. We recall happier times; we wish for them. We miss friends and family that are far away from us—we know it is impossible to bring back times past, so we long for the Lord. We yearn for that which is permanent. We think of our loved ones who have died—and we long for that which is eternal. We long for the Lord.

We’re coming up on that time of year when we are most vulnerable to these longings. The holidays bring out those memories of Thanksgiving gatherings and Christmases past. We tap into these feelings of grief and sometimes we even spiral down into depression; and for some reason, depression often leads to guilt. I am amazed that in the last two weeks just how many of my facebook friends post that they are ‘weepy’ or ‘down.’ One mentioned the radical treatment she is undergoing for her most recent bout of severe chronic depression. One of our friends in TN calls his on-going depression the Black Dog. He has been very open about his depression through the years. So his fb entry is a request for prayers because the Black Dog is back.

In the middle-ages some Christian mystics called this phase of life the ‘dark night of the soul.’ Longing for the Lord doesn’t necessarily mean depression, but longing for the Lord is an element in our spiritual make up that we often don’t understand. Too many times our legitimate spiritual longing morphs into grief and grief slides into depression and depression catapults us into guilt—unfounded guilt, but feelings of guilt, none-the-less. I sincerely believe that Psalm 42 and 43 were written when the psalmist was depressed! Because the psalmist speaks of these spiritual longings—doubts—he takes inventory of his life. This happens when we find our self in a hopeless situation. That would describe the psalmist’s situation—and it could easily describe the situation that many find themselves in today.

In our feelings of hopelessness we reflect on the years past (like the psalmist did)and try to find meaning in all that has happened. In this process of remembering the psalmist stops and asks himself:

Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God. Ps 42:5-6

You see the determination of the author of these words. The psalmist exercises what the 21st century psychologist calls self-talk—speaking truth to himself regardless of his feelings! That’s not denying the feelings—but this self-talk goes beyond the feelings and the emotions. It speaks truth to the depths of our being, to our core. And speaking truth to our self doesn’t make depression magically go away because today we know that depression can be the result of an imbalance of chemicals in the brain [It is a physical problem!] so proper medication is very important.

Depression becomes a physical problem to be addressed and our yearning that this broken world and our broken body be restored is a legitimate spiritual longing then any feeling of guilt related to our depression is unfounded guilt. Self-talk is important to our spiritual well-being. So what message are you telling yourself?

Borrow the words of the psalmist. Why are you downcast, O my soul?
First century Christians seemed to know that worship also encourages us, worshipping with the rest of the church encourages us, lifts our spirits, and strengthens our faith. Scripture says,

Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, 20 always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Eph 5:19-20

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pastor's Notes for October 17, 2010

YOUTH SUNDAY, October 31, falls on Halloween this year! We invite you to come to worship on that day dressed like one of your favorite Bible persons. Or you may come as an object, like a burning bush; or as an animal, like Balaam’s donkey! Just let me know so we can work it into our sermon/service.

IF WE WERE ALL HERE for worship on the first Sunday of each month, can you imagine how encouraging that would be! I am convinced from analysis of our role that we would be at least 75 instead of 55 to 60 worshippers.

On First Sunday we could get our new newsletter, bring our tithes, and receive communion. Worship restores our spirit and strengthens our faith. We all need the encouragement. Before the first Sunday of November, please don't forget we will have Fourth Sunday on the 24th and Fifth Sunday on the 31st.

And, as is tradition, Fifth Sunday = Youth Sunday. That will be a very special service. Plan now to be there.

Reflecting on the Scriptures
In the Face of Injustice: God persists!
Jeremiah 31:27-34. In spite of the circumstances, trust that God is a God of justice—one who holds us accountable, but also one who renews and restores, empowers and inspires, forgives and forgets!

Psalm119:97-104. Meditate on what God desires of us—wisdom, knowledge, understanding, our avoidance of evil… May we come to savor and enjoy God’s words that teach us and lead us in paths of righteousness.

2 Timothy 3:14—4:5. God’s self-revelation comes to us in the “sacred writings,” scripture inspired by God, useful for teaching and correction, training us in righteousness, equipping us for every good work! Timothy knew these words meant the Hebrew texts that we now call the Old Testament. Christian writings had not yet been put together.

Luke 18:1-8. God’s self-revelation in biblical history calls for justice, mercy, and faithfulness. Can we, in spite of the circumstances, trust that God is a God of justice? Can we see God in the cries of those seeking justice? Or are we like the unjust judge who ignores those cries? People of faith will hear the cries that break God’s heart and persist in their efforts for justice. Will Jesus find faith when he returns?

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Pastor's Notes for 10/10/10

Thomas and I spent the weekend in Jefferson City attending the 158th Regional Assembly of the Mid-America Region. We saw Jacob Walsh who had come down from Missouri University to work with the youth program at Rickman Center which ran parallel with the Assembly.

The following Pastor's Notes were written for today's bulletin insert before I left.

HAVE YOU SEEN our new sign out front? Our thanks to MaryAnn Davis for creating it. She and her daughter, Haley, have become regular attenders and we welcome them whole-heartedly. If you’ve not met them yet
go by and introduce yourself. They usually sit on the south side about 4 or 5 rows from the back. We will make a formal introduction next week when I am back.

REV. TOM PICKARD filled the pulpit today while Thomas and I attend the Disciples Mid-America Regional Assembly in Jefferson City. He is no stranger to us since he preached in August when Thomas and I were in Arizona for part of my vacation.

1) to give a Children’s Moment in November [sign up in rear of sanctuary]
2) to write a weekly FCC newspaper article; begin in mid-November [see Kathy Dains]

3) to volunteer one Sunday a month for the nursery [see Connie Leonard]

PASTORAL RELATIONS met last Sunday. After praying together we rejoiced for the positive mood in the church.

A PRAYER shared by Forrest Troyer at the Fish Fry:
Almighty and all-loving Father, we fishermen thank Thee for blessings of Thy great outdoors, especially the privilege to pursue our sport as free men and women in a free nation.

And we especially thank Thee, for Thy son Christ, who so loved fishermen He chose four or more among his twelve apostles.

And in years to come, dear Lord, as each fisherman comes to Thee, please remember these are a special breed. Their spirits would not be content to walk alabaster streets.

Grant them instead…clean waters with a quiet chop…with enough honey holes to last an eternity…and a fishing buddy to share it with.

In Christ’s name, Amen.

Quoted from Uncle Homer in “Scott on the Line” article
by Ray Scott, President of Bass Anglers Sportman Society.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Pastor's Notes fo October 3, 2010

I RECENTLY READ an article where a minister described the congregation where he served as a “part-time” church. I knew he served full-time so I was a little puzzled. He went on to clarify that a “part” of his church attended “part” of the time! Never all at the same time! I smiled, but with a tinge of pain, because I knew that also described us.

WHAT WOULD HAPPEN if we all made the first Sunday of each month priority? We could be encouraged by the worship, pick up our newsletter (that we don't mail out any more), and bring our tithes and offerings. If we could all worship together at least once a month we might surprise ourselves.

OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE everywhere! 1) Children’s Moment in November--sign up at the rear of the sanctuary; 2) writing the newspaper article for FCC, beginning in mid-November--speak directly to Kathy Dains; 3) a volunteer for the nursery, available in case of need--speak directly to Connie Leonard; 4) someone who will change the sign out front from time to time, create a message in limited space. (I'm happy to report that this fourth task has been claimed!)

WORLD COMMUNION SUNDAY is celebrated around the world, across denominational lines the first Sunday in October. Today we joined that celebration to recognize our brothers and sisters within the body of Christ in our community and in the nations around the world.

Reflecting on the Scriptures
At the World’s Longest Table: rekindle the fire

Lamentations 1:1-6. The time is 586 B.C. Jerusalem lies in ruin and God’s people are taken into Babylonian captivity. A survivor overlooks the rubble and pins these words of grief.

Lamentations 3:19-26. The lament continued until the survivor remembered! “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases…” Hope is rekindled!

Luke 17:5-10. “Increase our faith!” Who hasn’t made this request to the Lord? And his simple response: Faithful service rekindles our faith.

2 Timothy 1:1-14. Celebrate the generations of faith you inherit. Rekindle the gift that God has given you—a spirit of power, love, and self-control. You are called for a purpose.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Pastor's Notes for September 26, 2010

OUR HEARTFELT APPRECIATION to the men who hosted the Fish Fry last Sunday night—to the cooks who brought all the side dishes and desserts—and to the Lord for the good weather and good fellowship. About 67 of us came to Lion’s Park for the get-together.

Charles & Maxine Carty
9224 Riggs Lane Apt. B
Overland Park KS 66212 Today was their final day with us.

NEXT WEEK, the first Sunday in October, we celebrate World Communion Sunday. This celebration reminds us that our allegience to the risen Lord connects us with all who confess faith in Christ. This spiritual connection transcends denominational lines, state borders, and national boundaries.

Our October newsletters will also be available.

ENCOURAGE those in our congregation who have been absent from us. Let them know they are missed.
“…let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another….” Hebrews 10:24-25

TODAY WE CONCLUDED a series of sermons on stewardship. This little poster summarizes the primary points!

Reflecting on the Scriptures:
The Rich & True Riches

Luke 16:19-31. The rich man is this parable is blind to the world around him. While he is covered with luxury, the poor man is covered with sores! While he feasts, the poor man starves! The rich man continues to assume dominance even after death but, instead, finds a reversal of circumstances!

1 Timothy 6:6-19. The rich are admonished to set their hopes on God not on earthly wealth, to be attentive to the needs of others—rich in good works, willing to share—thus, storing up treasures in heaven.

Jeremiah 32:1-3a, 6-15. In the midst of adversity continue to hope in the Lord. The direst of circumstances will eventually change for good. Trust in the Lord’s promises.

Psalm 91:1-6, 14-16. Trust in the Lord. Live and abide in the shelter of the Most High. Find refuge, protection, deliverance, and companionship in the Lord. Take hold of life that is really life. Then you are entrusted with true riches!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Pastor's Notes for September 19, 2010

ENCOURAGEMENT CARDS can be sent to the following address:
Dillon Frieze
10-4-ICU, Barnes Jewish Hospital
Hospital Plaza, St. Louis, MO 63110.

Stormey Keith
3214 Greenwood Ave. Apt A
Springfield, MO 65802

WE HAD A WONDERFUL FISH FRY tonight. Sixty-seven of us gathered. We had lots of food and desserts. And the men provided the fish while the Lord provided the blessing. The men served us well. The fish was bountiful and we had several visitors. All and all it was a good time of fellowship.

SAYING GOOD-BY to Charles & Maxine Cartey began at the fish fry as we publicly expressed our appreciation for them. But they will be with us through the rest of the month. So if you did not get to say good-by at the fish fry they will be here the last Sunday of September as our greeters.

Reflecting on the Scriptures: The Faithful & Faithfulness
Jeremiah 8:18—9:1. Jeremiah weeps over the devastation of Judah after the Babylonian invasion. Grief stricken, God’s people wait for healing and restoration. Where are the faithful ones? The Lord looks for them among the images and foreign idols!

Psalm 79:1-9. The psalmist also laments the destruction of Jerusalem, admits the faithlessness of God’s people, and cries out to the Lord for forgiveness.

1 Timothy 2:1-7. Faithfulness means praying for the political leaders in this world! The faithful also declare the reality of Jesus Christ, mediator between God and humanity, the one who gave himself as a ransom for all.

Luke 16:1-13. Can the ‘children of this age’ respond more faithfully than the children of light? Can our handling of ‘dishonest wealth’ hinder us from receiving true riches? Can our attitude toward the wealth of this age keep us from valuing that which is eternal?

Monday, September 13, 2010

Pastor's Notes for September 12, 2010

THE CRISIS FOOD PANTRY has received several donations these past few weeks. Many of them have come from our congregation, but some have come from the community. Pape Christian Church brought a couple of bags and do ever now and then. On a regular basis a man from the Baptist Church supplies canned meats. This week a family brought several bags of groceries to donate since they were moving. We have written notes to those outside our congregation, but it is only appropriate that you also know your contributions are deeply appreciated. These small sacrifices help families in our community in a significant way. In the last month we served 15 households which included 17 children & 30 adult.

REMEMBER THE FISH FRY next Sunday night, the 19th, in Lion’s Park at 6:00 p.m. Each of us brings a dish to share, the men provide the fish and the Lord provides the blessing. Invite a friend. At that gathering I will also share information about the Pastoral Care Groups that the elders and I are forming.

TERRIFIC TUESDAY had its first meeting last Tuesday. It began small, but promises to grow. Mary Horn and I trust that small beginnings are important to the Lord—a little leaven leavens the whole lump, a single seed becomes a tree, a grain of wheat produces itself many times over…. Continue to pray for this outreach.

Reflecting on the Scriptures: Fools & Foolishness
Psalm14. The fool lives life as if there is no God—no higher being to worship, no one who will call us to give an account of our life. 1 Fools say in their hearts, "There is no God." They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds… Compare Psalm 53.

Jeremiah 4:11-12, 22-28. God speaks through the prophet: 22 "My people are fools; they do not know me. They are senseless children; they have no understanding. They are skilled in doing evil; they know not how to do good."

1 Timothy 1:12-17. Paul admits his foolish ignorance!
13 Even though I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief.

Luke 15:1-10. Whether we foolishly wander away or simply slip through the cracks there is One who searches for us and rejoices when we are found! 7 …there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Give us ears to hear...

On Saturday, August 28, Thomas and I attended the ordination of Martha Jolly in Columbia, MO. She has been the director of camp and outdoor ministries in the Northeast Area of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) forever and ever. When the Ozark Lakes Area began to partner with the NEA for summer youth camps Thomas and I worked with her several years in a row either as co-director for a camp session or as primary presenters in family camp. This year Jacob Walsh served as camp program staff at Rickman Center under her direction.

On this particular Saturday friends and family gathered to celebrate with Martha. The Call to Worship selected to bring us together as a one-time-congregation for her ordination emphasized the call on each of our lives, not just those called to fill a pulpit and provide pastoral care. As we read the Call to Worship responsively to begin the service I heard the words in the context of our congregation in El Dorado Springs.

During the month of September in our Sunday morning worship we allow the scriptures to challenge us to be good stewards of God's bountiful blessings. One of these blessings is the call of God on our lives--and our response to that call. That Saturday in Columbia as I heard the words that called us to center on the Lord's call I decided to use the same words to call us together in El Dorado Springs for each of our services in September.

So during the entire month of September as the various Scriptures opened in the sermons feed our souls and strengthen our faith, the words in our Call to Worship will remind us of our responsibilities to the Lord as a congregation, spurring us on to faith and good works.

Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received. 1 Peter 4:10

God whispers to each of us: “You are my Beloved,
created in love for love.”
My spirit answers, “Here I am, Lord. Speak to me.”

God breathes on us the Holy Spirit, knitting many members into one body, the body of Christ.
Together we answer, “Here we are, Lord.
Come, Holy Spirit.”

God has yet more vision for the people. Who will work for God to extend God’s kingdom into our hurting world?
Here we are, Lord. Empower us for your work.

God calls the small and helps them do great things.
God calls the weak and reveals their hidden gifts.
God calls the rejected and opens their eyes to their worth.
God calls and equips you and me for the work of creating God’s Beloved community.
Here we are, Lord, listening for your call.

Then let us gather, old and young, small and great, to dream God’s dreams, receive God’s power, and do God’s deeds.
Here we are, Lord. Whisper your word to us
and awaken your Spirit in us. Empower us
with your vision and desire to answer when you call.
Give us ears to hear your voice. Amen.

Monday, September 6, 2010

How are we doing?

In 2004 at the end of a study of The Purpose Driven Church led by Kyle Vickers, the participants of the study created the following statement of purpose for our congregation.

Our purpose is:
 to spread the good news of Jesus to all people,

 showing His love by our service and commitment,

 embracing past and present ideas in teaching all ages,

 using His gifts to grow into a Spirit-led family to the glory of God.

Like good stewards
of the manifold grace of God,
serve one another with whatever gift
each of you has received.
1 Peter 4:10

What have we done in the last 6 years to spread the gospel?
What are our plans to spread the gospel next year?

How have we shown His love in service and commitment?
How will we demonstrate our commitment to service in 2011?

How have we embraced old and new ideas in our teaching?
What new ideas will we embrace in the months ahead?

How have we used our gifts to grow into a Spirit-led family?
How is the Spirit leading in our growth in the future?

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Pastor's Notes for September 5, 2010

The board challenges us to devote a month each year to self-evaluation. How are we doing with all that God has given us? In September we have the opportunity to take a personal and a congregational inventory of how we partner with God to manage our god-given gifts of time, health, talents, relationships, property and the gospel. We will read the scriptures this month, in light of 1 Peter 4:10.

Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received. 1 Peter 4:10

Reflecting on the Scriptures: The Lord & I
Psalm 139:1-18, 23-24. God searches us and knows us—and loves us anyway! We yield to God—all we are, all we have, all we hope to be. We yield to the Lord’s leading.

Jeremiah 18:1-11. The potter reworks the clay vessel that has spoiled in his hand! The people of God, like clay in a potter’s hand, are called to return to the Lord with an obedient heart, pliable partners with God.

Philemon 1-21. Paul redefines relationships in Christ! A slave and his owner become brothers! And in this new Beloved community that forms within the risen Lord we become partners with God, stewards of God’s grace!

Luke 14:25-33. Tough language Jesus! What do you mean “hate” and “give up everything” to follow you? Is this is the cost of discipleship?

YOUR BOOK DONATIONS to our library can be brought to the church office. We have a box to collect them and Kathy Dains will work out of that box. Please don’t leave books for us in the library.

OUR ELDERS ARE IN THE PROCESS of forming Care Groups so that the elders and I can better share pastoral care within the church. We will have more information for you at the Fish Fry. Deacons will be invited to an orientation meeting in October.

TERRIFIC TUESDAY begins this Tuesday. Thank you for keeping this outreach in your prayers.

NEWSLETTERS for September are available in the office during the week and in the sanctuary on Sunday.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR for Acolyte Training next Sunday, September 12, following our worship service.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR for the Fish Fry at Lion's Park on Sunday, September 19.

"Stewardship is celebrating God's love."

Monday, August 30, 2010

Pastor's Notes for August 29, 2010

TODAY’S LIBRARY DEDICATION will honor the books given to us from Peter Chei’s collection. After the dedication these books will be available for you to check out. Simply sign your name and the name of the book on the notebook provided, then return the book within a reasonable period of time.

DO YOU HAVE BOOKS to contribute to our church library? Kathy Dains will receive and catalogue books that you contribute or loan to the library. Speak directly with her about your contribution. Donated book can be brought to the office. Please do not leave them on the shelves in the library.

TERRIFIC TUESDAY fliers are available for distribution. Our outreach to neighborhood children, 3rd thru 5th grades, begins Tuesday, September 7. Facilitators for these Bible activities include Mary Horn, Jan Taylor and me. Please surround this outreach in your prayers, especially the children and their families.

A BIRTHDAY PARTY for Don Wooldridge’s 70th, Saturday, September 4th, 2 pm – 4 pm @ City Park. (If rain, we’ll go to the Fellowship Hall in the church.) RSVP: Berta, 876-6108.

Reflecting on the Scriptures: The Lord is my Helper
Jeremiah 2:4-13. God’s people did not long for their Redeemer but had forsaken the Fountain of Living Water and had dug their own cracked cisterns that held no water.

Psalm 81:1, 10-16. God longs to fill his people with good things, the finest of wheat and honey from the rock, but his people will not listen to his voice or submit to his will.

Luke14:1, 7-14. Jesus says: Humble yourself before the Lord and let your life choices reflect the humility of your heart. Reach out to those who cannot repay you.

Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16. An admonition to the church: Live upright lives of mutual love and respect; know the Lord’s faithfulness and offer up to him your life of faithfulness, faith and worship. Say without fear, “The Lord is my helper.”

Monday, August 23, 2010

Pastor's Notes for August 22, 2010

NEXT SUNDAY we will have our traditional Youth Sunday. During the service we will also dedicate the books from Peter Chei’s library. After the dedication you may check out books on the honor system. Sign your name on the notebook provided, then return the book in a reasonable period of time.

TERRIFIC TUESDAY flyers are available for you to distribute to neighbors, friends, family and strangers who have children in the 3rd through 5th grades. TT begins September 7 & will include Bible activities in the Fellowship Hall. We’ll pick up children from school at 3 p.m. & parents will pick them up from the church building at 5 p.m. Facilitators for Terrific Tuesday will be Mary Horn, Jan Taylor, and I.

HITCHED or Not & Hatching inserts are provided for you to share with an expecting mother or a new mom whose baby is less than 6 months old. If you did not get an insert in your bulletin, but know someone who needs an invitation, please ask your neighbor for one to pass on. If you can not use the insert, please leave it on your seat.

THANKS for your contributions to the Food Pantry. Mac & cheese, spaghetti, peanut butter, sugar—always good to bring. These are the hot items when a family comes in.

Reflecting on the Scriptures: Our God
Jeremiah 1:4-10. God moves in a mysterious way… selecting the prophet, even before conception and birth!

Psalm 71:1-6. A mighty fortress is our God… a place of refuge, One who actively rescues and redeems.

Luke 13:10-17. Jesus breaks tradition and heals a woman on the Sabbath in the synagogue but his critics were more merciful toward their work animals than they were toward this woman! However, she knew the Lord’s healing hand had touched her and made her whole.

Hebrews 11:29—2:2. Our God is an awesome God! Make certain that you don’t refuse the One who is speaking to us today through Jesus Christ. Our God is a consuming fire.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Surrounded & Surrendered!

HEBREWS 11:29 By faith the people passed through the Red Sea as on dry land; but when the Egyptians tried to do so, they were drowned.

30 By faith the walls of Jericho fell, after the people had marched around them for seven days.

31 By faith the prostitute Rahab, because she welcomed the spies, was not killed with those who were disobedient.

32 And what more shall I say? I do not have time to tell about Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel and the prophets, 33 who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions, 34 quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength; and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies. 35 Women received back their dead, raised to life again. Others were tortured and refused to be released, so that they might gain a better resurrection. 36 Some faced jeers and flogging, while still others were chained and put in prison. 37 They were stoned; they were sawed in two; they were put to death by the sword. They went about in sheepskins and goatskins, destitute, persecuted and mistreated-- 38 the world was not worthy of them. They wandered in deserts and mountains, and in caves and holes in the ground.

39 These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised. 40 God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect.

HEBREWS 12:1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. 2 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

On Friday August 6, 2010, ten medical and relief workers were killed in Afghanistan. Some of these people, motivated by their faith in Christ, went to that country to serve the poorest and most remote villages. Dan Terry, one of the slain workers, had dedicated 30 years of his life providing health and relief services in this war-torn country. The medical team never tried to hide the fact that they were Christians. They served under an organization recognized and registered by the government. At Terry’s memorial service in the States, a tribute was made to him that read:
“When people cry for punishment
An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth,
We commit to offering eye-care and dental care to any who suffer.”

A Taliban spokesman claimed credit for the attack, accusing the workers of trying to convert Muslims to Christianity. The father of one of the murdered women said, “They try to be the hands and feet of Jesus, not the mouth of Jesus.” These people, motivated by their faith in Christ, reaching out in peace and compassion to the least of the least, are executed by the Taliban.

Where is God when this happened? Why didn’t their faith protect them from death? Our passage today speaks to these questions.

The author of the book of Hebrews has spent a lot of time and space in this letter to remind God’s people about faith and faithfulness. Go back and read Hebrews 11 and think about the various ones who are lifted up as examples of faith. These are people, human beings, who also wavered in their faith—men and women who took side-steps away from God’s best! But they are still held up as examples of faith—people who repented and returned to God.

If you go back to the beginning of this chapter you see Sarah and Abraham—we know Sarah laughed at God’s promise of a son in her old age. She attempted to provide a son by offering her servant girl to Abraham—but Sarah is held up as a woman of faith along with her husband Abraham.

Moses’ parents defied Pharaoh’s decree and hid their baby son, Moses. Moses grew up to be a leader of Israel. We know the people who passed through the Red Sea under Moses’ leadership soon became disobedient complainers, even murmuring against Moses—yet they are commended for their faith.

Rahab was a Palestinian prostitute—yet her faith becomes an example for us to follow. Her name appears in the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew’s gospel. She turned her back on her culture and on her traditions to embrace the God of the Israelites who were about to invade her country.

The point I am trying to make is for us to see these people (and ourselves) realistically—human beings, full of faults and imperfections. Gideon questioned the values & practices of his parent’s generation; he experienced rejection because of his faith—he questioned God! Yet Gideon brought Israel back to the Lord. Samson was a worldly man, weak when it came to women, but used by God to call the people back to the Lord. David, said to be a man after God’s own heart, the song writer who pours himself out in the psalms, this man committed adultery with another man’s wife—and then had this man killed in battle. Yet David is held up as a man of faith because when God exposed the evil intent of his heart David repented.

Having faith in God does not mean a person is perfect. Having faith in God does not mean everything is going to be hunky-dory! God has not promised us a rose garden.
God has not even promised us that the object of our faith will be realized
in this life. Read Hebrews 11:13.
All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance. And they admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth.

Living by faith means we look at this world with different eyes—we relate to this world in a different way. Some people of faith died without receiving the things promised—then in v32 we see that some …gained what was promised…

A true paradox—almost a contradiction!

Remember …faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

Look at verse 32 again. We find more paradoxes of faith!

Some became conquerors and others became prisoners—some were powerful in battle and others were flogged and jeered—some escaped death by sword and others were tortured
and put to death by the sword! Yet all of these were commended for their faith…

The point I am trying to make is that faith is not a magic formula that manipulates God. You can’t judge someone else’s life by your life. In this list there are kings who lived in palaces, royally clothed and there are others who wore animal skins and slept in caves—yet all these are held up to us as examples of faith.

The point I am making is that faith is not measured by poverty or prosperity. Faith is not measured by the circumstance of your life.

V39 repeats what v13 said: …none of them received what had been promised.
But in spite of that, faith perseveres—trusting that God has a better plan—God can bring good out of the worst situations. The Lord is with us in all circumstances of life—from the worst to the best.

So this is the great cloud of witnesses that surround us—common, flawed human beings, but men and women of faith who persevere in spite of their weaknesses, who cheer us on as we persevere in the race set out before us. But now the author of this letter adds another element to strengthen our faith.

We have an example to follow that the earlier saints did not have. v2: Look at Jesus—fixate on the man who lived and died and rose again. How was Jesus able to stay on message right up to the end? Listen and learn from him. Put his words into practice.

How was Jesus able to resist temptation? Find out and follow him.

How was Jesus able to glorify his Father in doing the most menial tasks that were set before him? Look at his life—his attitude—his actions—and follow him.

We are surrounded by this great cloud of witnesses. Be encouraged by the faith of those who have gone before us. Be inspired by those who are willing to lay down their lives for others. We can look to Jesus for further instruction and example—and then we are admonished to surrender!

To lay down everything that hinders us from following him. Take a moment to surrender yourself to the Lord. What are you carrying that is too heavy for you to carry?

…let us lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before u…,

Monday, August 16, 2010

Pastor's Notes for August 15, 2010

WATERMELON FEED, was on Sunday night @ 6 p.m. in our Fellowship Hall, thanks to Jim Pope. Everyone was invited & the melons were sweet. The Youth Group met in the Annex after the watermelon feast to continue their preparation for Youth Sunday.

OUR PANTRY is in dire need of restocking. Please bring lots of pasta, mac & cheese, peanut butter, rice, sugar, flour…. Last month we served 12 households (19 children, 28 adults) out of our crisis pantry.

TERRIFIC TUESDAY, for 3rd – 5th graders, will begin on Tuesday, September 7, 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. This weekly after school gathering will include Bible stories and related activities in the Fellowship Hall. Mary Horn & I are working on this outreach. We invite you to work with us on Tuesdays through December 7.

On Saturday, August 20, Mary and I plan to go door-to-door on the blocks nearest our building to invite children to take part in Terrific Tuesday. If you want to join us, call the office for more details. Bring a friend because we will go two together as we knock on doors and invite our neighbors to join us.

PETER CHEI’S BOOKS will be available for check out soon. Kathy Dains has catalogued them & arranged them in the Library-Prayer Room. A dedication service is being planned. If you have books that belong to the Chei collection, please return them to Kathy or the library. A couple of books are missing and need to be processed and labeled.

COMMUNION MEDITATION Hebrews 11:1-2 ~ 12:1-3
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.
Abel—Enoch—Noah—Abraham—Sarah—Jacob & Esau—Joseph & the sons of Joseph—Moses—the children of Israel—and the list goes on—the great cloud of witnesses—those who testify with their lives to God’s faithfulness.

…since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus….
We remember Jesus so that we do not lose heart, so that our faith is strengthened, so that we persevere in our faith, so that we become faithful people.

On the night he was betrayed Jesus took bread, blessed it and broke it saying, “This is my body given for you. Take and eat. Do this in remembrance of me.”

After the meal Jesus took the cup, blessed it and passed it to them saying, “This is my blood of the new covenant, poured out for many for the forgiveness of sin. Do this in remembrance of me.”

As often as we eat this bread and drink from this cup we proclaim the Lord's death until he comes.

Reflecting on the Scriptures: Surrounded & Surrendered!

Isaiah 5:1-7 is a tribute to the vineyard of the Beloved. He planted with great expectations but was disappointed, so the vineyard was left without protection. The vineyard = God’s people! God’s expectations = justice & righteousness.

Psalm 80:1-2, 8-19. The vineyard cries out for restoration!

Luke 12:49-56. Jesus proclaims a purifying fire but his words bring division! He expects spiritual discernment but finds his followers can better predict the weather than discern the spiritual impact of this world on their souls!

Hebrews 11:29—2:2. The 11th chapter of Hebrews recounts the faith of God’s people through the ages in spite of their falling short of the Lord’s expectations from time to time. Surrounded by this faithful cloud of witnesses we surrender to the Lord’s leading and persevere in our faith.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Vacation is winding down...

The Minton brothers, Bob, Frank, and Thomas, with their sister, Jeanie, and all the spouses gathered for a Sibling Reunion in Alpine, AZ. From oldest to youngest we were Bob & Rose from Mt. Pleasant, SC (near Charlotte); Frank & Barbara from Crockett, TX (and yes, two of the Minton brothers married a Barbara!); Thomas & I from El Dorado Springs, MO; Jeanie & Densell from Snyder, TX.

We spent Thursday, Friday, and Saturday together, enjoying one another, remembering days gone by, laughing together, and shedding some tears. The days were precious. Early this morning we all packed our cars, ready to depart, but before departure we paused for communion together.

With bread and cups before us Thomas read from Ephesians 4.
"Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit-- just as you were called to one hope when you were called--one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all."

He continued, "The four Minton siblings started out together, in church, participants in the one body and one cup. Even though we are different, our spouses are different, our paths have taken different directions and geography separates us we still participate in the one body and one cup. We continue to be united in Christ and nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus, our Lord."

I continued the meditation with a word from 1 Corinthians 10.
"Is not the cup of thanksgiving for which we give thanks a participation in the blood of Christ? And is not the bread that we break a participation in the body of Christ? Because there is one loaf, we, who are many, are one body, for we all partake of the one loaf."

I continued, "It is appropriate that we have a piece of Passover bread for this communion. The Passover bread was bread for the journey as the Israelites left Egypt. Today this bread is bread for our journey. The Passover cup Jesus took for this special meal was the fourth cup in the Passover meal, the Cup of Redemption. This is the bread and the cup that we share today--for the journey ahead of us."

Thomas blessed the bread and the cup and we passed it to one another. After the communion we had opportunity to share our hearts with one antoher and to express our appreciation for the reunion. To close our time together we anointed Bob and Rose with oil and prayed with them for the days ahead.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Pastor's Notes August 1, 2010

CAMP REPORTS. There are four Sundays in September and four campers from our congregation! Sooo… in September each camper will have an opportunity during Children’s Moment to share his or her experiences with us.

CITY WIDE YARD SALE, August 6 & 7, will start in our parkng lot at 7:00 a.m. Areas of the church building are being cleaned and culled items will be put out to sell. If you have personal items in the building please take them home this week—or else they might be sold! Can we bring items from home to sell? Yes, but you must also dispose of them if they don’t sell.

PASTOR’S VACATION begins Tuesday, August 3rd. Lord willing, I will be back in the office on Tuesday, August 9th.

REV. TOM PICKARD will fill the pulpit next Sunday in my absence. He preached 20 years in TX and now has a small counseling ministry in Springfield. Tom grew up in Oklahoma City and attended Abilene Christian Universtiy.

Reflecting on the Scriptures: Hidden in CHRIST
Colossians 3:1-11. One gift that we receive when we are raised with Christ in baptism is that we are incorporated into a like-minded, life-filled, community gathered in the risen Lord! We (plural) are hidden in Christ & are being renewed. Get rid of anything that disrupts our living together in Christ.

Luke 12:13-21. Jesus says greed disrupts our life together (v15; Col 3:5). So he asks us to redefine life (v15 & 20; Col 3:3-4).

Hosea 11:1-11. The community of faith that fails to recognize the Lord’s love and provision is scattered as they turn away from God and refuse to acknowledge God.

Psalm 107:1-9, 43. When the faith community gathers to worship the Lord grateful praise comes forth with testimonies of redemption, deliverance, God’s steadfast love & guidance.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Pastor's Notes for July 18, 2010

CITY WIDE YARD SALE, August 6 & 7, will start in our parking lot at 7:00 a.m. Different groups, committees, and individuals will clean various areas of the church building and prepare items for the sale. The Men’s group
has volunteered to do the Annex Basement and the area under the stairwell in the Fellowship Hall. Other areas to be cleaned and gleaned are the kitchen, the choir room, and baptistery rooms. Call the office to volunteer for an area.

A HUGE THANKS to everyone who volunteered in the Picnic booth and to all who came by to visit. Special thanks to Jennie Barrett for chairing the project and Don Wooldridge for set up and transport of items to our space. Eighteen volunteers filled the hours at the booth so that our congregation could have a presence at the picnic.

OUR YOUTH, facilitated by Lisa Cochran, parked cars during the picnic to help supplement the camp tuition and replenish the youth fund. Appreciation to Lisa for her oversight and to Kendall Voris for painting the parking lot. Also our thanks to Quentin Walsh for mowing the lot and bringing the sawhorses to hold the signs.

During the picnic project the story of the loaves and fishes kept coming to my mind. The little boy brought his little bit and offered it to Jesus and Jesus expanded it to be more than any of them could have imagined! And so it was with our picnic/parking lot project. We each brought our little bit--an hour here and an hour there. We trust Jesus to bless and expand the little bit we brought to him to accomplish his purposes.

Last Sunday, July 11, our worshiping attendance was 58. Today, the Sunday after the picnic (traditionally a much lower attendance) Doug counted 58! That in itself is beautiful and encouraging, but after the count 2 or 3 people came in, so the unofficial count for the Sunday after the Picnic is 60 or 61. We give our little bit--an hour here, an hour there. We trust Jesus to bless and expand the little bit we bring to him to accomplish his purposes.

Reflecting on the Scriptures: The Hope of GLORY
Colossians 1:15-28. We have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God—but Christ in you is the hope of glory! Jesus brought reconciliation, forgiveness and hope—a mystery hidden for generations revealed to the saints!

Luke 10:38-42. In his life Jesus pointed away from the worries and distractions of this world. His teachings call us to listen and learn from him. Christ in us shaping our values and priorities is the hope of glory. Choose the better part.

Amos 8:1-12. R rated due to violence! God’s judgment is promised to those who reject God’s word, ignore God’s warnings and continue to use, abuse and cheat others.

Psalm 52. When evil prevails our only hope is a faithful God in whom we take refuge—a faithful God revealed in Jesus Christ! Christ in you, the hope of glory!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Pastor's Notes for July 11, 2010

OUR SUMMER BULLETIN has our order of worship on the left opening; the prayer concerns, week’s activities, and servers for today and next week on the right. On the back of the bulletin you find my notes and on the front the office information and services. Nothing’s missing!

Our desire in minimizing the bulletin and the order of worship is to bring the service into a concise hour. Endurance and patience are important characteristics for the gathered worshipping community of faith.

COMMUNITY WORSHIP in the Park, sponsored by El Dorado Springs Ministerial Association, experienced God's rain even as we prayed for God's reign! But the moisture didn't dampen our spirits.

GG Cole from Abundant Life Ministry Center led congregational worship and special music was provided by the reassembled community choir and by the Johnston family.

The community choir, directed by Judi Willman of Park Street Christian, represented six congregations:
Abundant Life Ministry Center
Church of God (Holiness)
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Park Street Christian Church
Presbyterian Church
United Methodist Church

The Johnston Family made up of Dennis, Chelsea, Stacy and Josh brought a bluegrass flavor to the worship.

Participating ministers included three pastors new to our community:
David Woods at Herriamn Chapel Church of God (Holiness)
Ron Marsh at First Baptist Church and
Larry Daniel at Park Street Christian Church

They served alongside Howard McPeak (Pape Christian), Mike & GG Cole (Abundant Life), Dennis Johnston (Bethel Freewill Baptist), and Barbara Minton (Disciples).

~ Monday, July 12, @ 5 p.m. Picnic Booth Orientation in the annex.

~ Thursday—Saturday, July 15, 16, & 17

~ Youth parking cars from 4 to 6 p.m.

~ FCC Picnic Booth 6 to 10 p.m.

YOUTH GROUP service project at Second Chance Barnyard was postponed again--this time due to rain. Hopefully sometime in August we will be able to make our trip to the Barnyard.

Reflecting on the Scriptures: Inheriting LIGHT
Amos 7:7-17. The message of the prophet does not set well with the priest or the king! Truth spoken to power is like light shone into darkness. Despite rejection Amos speaks truth.

Psalm 82. The weak plead with God to bring light into the darkness of ignorance, to judge the earth with justice.

Luke 10:25-37. Knowing the right answer and living out the truth of what one knows can be like day and night! Jesus says, live what you know… “Do this and you will live.”

Colossians 1:1-14. The Father has enabled us to inherit light! He rescues us from the power of darkness, empowers us to speak truth to power, equips us to seek justice for the weak, and expects us to live out what we know! Wow!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Pastor's Notes for July 4, 2010

SUMMER WORSHIP will be more casual and, we hope, contained within the hour. The order of worship has been modified, but none of the essential elements are missing. Come with a grateful heart as we gather together in Jesus’ name. With this in mind the service last Sunday was almost as long as usual--at least an hour and fifteen minutes. As one person said, its over when its over. We come to worship, not watch the clock. Enter to worship, depart to serve.


Sunday, July 11 at 4 p.m. Community Worship in the Park.

Thursday—Saturday, July 15, 16, & 17
~ Youth parking cars from 4 to 6 p.m. See Lisa Cochran to volunteer.
~ FCC Picnic Booth 6 to 10 p.m. See Jennie Barrett to volunteer.
~ We still need volunteers in both places. We also need someone to help the youth mark off the parking lot.

Sunday, July 25, 6 p.m. Youth Cookout @ Minton’s
Youth will host a cook out , inviting their families and the hosts and their families. More information will follow.

Reflecting on the Scriptures: …LEST WE GROW WEARY
2 Kings 5:1-14. Naaman, army commander in Aram, weary of his leprosy, took the advice of a little servant girl from Israel and went to a prophet in Samaria to ask for healing. Read the rest of the story. The servants are the heroes!

Psalm 30. The psalmist reflects on a time of weariness—weeping, dismayed, crying out to the Lord. But his mourning turns to dancing, joy replaces sack cloth and praise prevails.

Luke 10:1-11, 16-20. The Lord sends his followers out with a mission and specific instructions. Be faithful, be frugal, be grateful for your provision—yet expect rejection from time to time. Above all, Jesus says, be intentional and consistent with the message of the kingdom …lest you grow weary.

Galatians 6:1-6) 7-16. We reap what we sow, so be mindful of your actions because actions have consequences. Look at the big picture, beyond the present to the end …lest we grow weary in well-doing.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Pastor's Notes fo June 27, 2010

MARK THE DATE, Sunday, July 11 at 4 p.m. for Community Worship in the Park sponsored by the Ministerial Association.

AT THE ANNUAL PICNIC, July 15, 16, & 17 FCC will have a booth from 6 – 10 p.m. each evening. At the booth we will offer information about our congregation & sign-up for a drawing on the last day of the picnic. We will give away a woman’s purse, a man’s wallet, and a children’s Bible story book.

HOW CAN YOU BE INVOLVED with the congregation at the picnic?
1) Volunteer an hour at the booth. [See Jennie Barrett to sign up for an hour.]
2) Pray for the outreach.
3) Drop by for a few minutes when you are in the park if you're not a volunteer.
4) Donate bags of Tootsie Roll Pops. [After a person registers for a gift we will give them information about our congregation and a Tootsie Roll Pop with the invitation, 'Pop in and see us sometime.']

SEVERAL HAVE ASKED, “Do we still need money for the campers?” The answer is, “Yes.” We also need an adult who will work with the kids to park cars during the picnic. 2010 Campers: Sara Culbertson (June 14-19), Lydia Anderson (July 25-31), Ben Vickers & Kayla Cochran (August 1-7).

Reflecting on the Scriptures: FREE FROM THE LAW!
Galatians 5:1, 13-25. Christian freedom from the law is NOT unrestrained permission to do whatever one pleases. Neither is it the separation from relationships. FREEDOM IS God-centered living; a gift of God empowering us to live and serve like Jesus did. Paul contrasts a self-centered life to a God-centered life, one empowered by God’s Holy Spirit, the other motivated by selfish passions and desires.

Luke 9:51-62. As his ministry on earth came to its end Jesus experienced rejection in Samaria and ignorance among his disciples! From the crowd came an eager one who had not yet counted the cost of discipleship, another one who made excuses when invited to follow Jesus, and one who wanted to postpone a commitment. Where are we?

2 Kings 2:1-2, 6-14. The mantle is passed! Literally, the prophetic ministry of Elijah ends and Elisha picks up the old prophet’s mantle and continues the ministry. Elijah was intentional in this, inviting & helping Elisha develop skills for ministry before giving the responsibility to him.

Psalm 77:1-2, 11-20. The psalmist in deep despair recalls the Lord’s work in the past and begins to speak directly with God, recounting aloud God’s might and majesty. [The readings from Luke, Kings, & Psalm give examples from scripture of God-centered lives for us to imitate.]

COMMUNION MEDITATIONGalatians 1:1, 4; 5:1,13b, 24
Let the words of the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Galatians guide our thoughts as we come to this table. Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead… The Lord Jesus Christ…gave himself for our sins to set us free from the present evil age… For freedom Christ has set us free. not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires and are empowered by the Holy Spirit toward good.

We have the freedom in Christ to love and to serve—to live as our Lord lived dedicated to the Father and empowered by the Holy Spirit!

And so that we can remember how he lived and how he died, he gave us this meal. On the night he was betrayed, Jesus took bread—blessed it and broke it, saying: “This is my body, given for you. Take and eat. Do this in remembrance of me.” In like manner, after the meal, Jesus took the cup saying: “This is my blood of the new covenant poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. Take and drink, in remembrance of me.”

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Pastor's Notes for June 20, 2010

COMMUNITY WORSHIP IN THE PARK. Sunday, July 11, the Ministerial Association will host the annual worship in the park. The community choir will be revived, directed by Judy Willmon of Park Street Christian church. To participate in the choir contact Park Street’s new minister, Larry Daniel, at 876-2992 for more information.

ONE WEEK OF SUMMER CAMP costs from $290 to $315. Families provide half of the camp tuition and campers also park cars during the Picnic to supplement their camp expenses, but, like a three-legged stool, our contributions continue to be an important part of camp participation. 2010 Campers: Sara Culbertson, Ben Vickers, Kayla Cochran & Lydia Anderson.

Reflecting on the Scriptures: WHY THE LAW?
1 Kings 19:1-18. Elijah, discouraged after what appears to him to be futile ministry, is strengthened and encouraged by the Lord. He is assured that others will continue the work the Lord began with the prophet Elijah—the circumstances are not as dire as the prophet thought!

Psalm 42 & 43. The psalmist recognizes the longing and anguish of his own soul—a longing for God and the anguished feeling of hopelessness. Then, remembering God’s promises, the psalmist questions himself and tells himself to find hope in a faithful and loving God.

1 As the deer pants for streams of water,
so my soul pants for you, O God.
2 My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.
When can I go and meet with God?

Luke 8:26-39. When Jesus encounters the miserable and hopeless (even today) he asks us to name that which plagues us and proceeds to progressively heal us! Then he sends us on our way to declare what God has done for us!

Galatians 3:23-29. God’s unmerited favor (grace) is received by faith, not by keeping the Law of Moses. God’s favor is not earned by our obedience to any legal system. Then, why the law? The law exposes our sinfulness, our inability to live up to God’s standards. The God-given rules discipline us until we can come to God’s promises revealed in Christ. Read all of chapter 3 to see Paul’s reasoning.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Pastor's Notes for June 13, 2010

IF MOVED BY THE LORD see Jennie Barrett to sign up to help at the picnic—for an hour on July 15, 16, or 17, 6pm to 10pm or for set up & take down before and after. Planners: Jennie Barrett, Mary Horn, Lonnie McNeese, Don Wooldridge & Bill Yurk.
Jennie and I will provide an orientation for all volunteers on Monday evening, July 12.

IF MOVED BY THE LORD help send one of our youth to camp. Your check can be placed in the collection plate, designated CAMP in the memo. Campers include Sarah Culbertson, Ben Vickers, & Kayla Cochran.

BACKGROUND SCRIPTURES to help better understand our reading of Galatians: Saul (becomes Paul), Acts 7:54—9:31; Barnabas & Saul commissioned, Acts 13:1-3; Saul becomes Paul, Acts 13:4-12; first mission trip continues thru Acts 14:28; teachers of ‘another’ gospel, Acts 15; Paul’s testimony, Acts 22:6-21 & 26:12-23; Paul preaching in Galatia, Acts 13:16-52; towns in Galatia = Iconium, Lycaonia, Lystra, Acts 14.

Reflecting on the Scriptures:

Psalm 5:1-8. A sigh, a cry, a prayer and a plea goes up to God for righteousness to prevail, all the while trusting that the steadfast love of the Lord will lead us in the right path.

1 Kings 21:1-21a. The Lord abhors the blood thirsty and deceitful yet injustice seems to prevail! Injustice seems to win until the word of the Lord is boldly spoken against it.

Luke 7:36—8:3. Many sins forgiven, much love shown; fewer sins forgiven, less love shown! How do you estimate your sins before God, a little or a lot?

Galatians 2:15-21. A person is not made right with God by keeping the ten commandments, temple rituals, Hebrew dietary laws or covenant circumcision but rather through faith in Jesus Christ, though the faithfulness of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Pastor's Notes for June 6, 2010

HELP SEND A CHILD TO CAMP. Your check can be placed in the collection plate, designated CAMP in the memo. Campers are Sarah Culbertson, Ben Vickers, and Kayla Cochran.

PICNIC VOLUNTEERS see Jennie Barrett to sign up to be in the FCC booth for an hour, 6pm & 10pm, July 15, 16, or 17. Picnic planners Jennie Barrett, Mary Horn, Lonnie McNeese, Don Wooldridge or Bill Yurk can answer your questions.

ELDERS, please forgive us in the office. The following changes failed to register in the June newsletter:
June 6—Jeanie Ogle & Kyle Vickers
June 13—Darlene Walsh & Jim Pope
June 20—Rhonda Culbertson & Mike Frier
June 27—Dick Culbertson & Debbie Vickers
July 4—Kathy Dains & Mike Frier

Reflecting on the Scriptures:

1 Kings 17:8-16 (17-24). Scripture calls our attention to the people without a voice—the widow, the orphan, and the stranger. Prophet Elijah becomes a stranger in a foreign land and receives help from a widow who has lost hope.

Psalm 146. The Lord watches over the stranger, the orphan and the widow and calls God’s people to execute justice for them, the oppressed and the hungry, to engender hope.

Luke 7:11-17. In Nain Jesus has compassion for the grieving widow who is burying her son. Like Elijah, Jesus raises him to life and is declared a prophet by the people. Seeing a compassionate response means God is at work in their midst and the crowd gives glory to God.

Galatians 1:1-24. Paul testifies to God’s intervention in his own life and celebrates his god-given task to take the good news of Jesus Christ beyond the Jewish community. Paul becomes the stranger, estranged from his own heritage in order to tell the nations that God is at work in Jesus Christ.

The following summary of our service will appear in our local newspapers this week.
Grace—God’s unexpected generosity—God’s unmerited favor—God’s love poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit given to us—the Lord Jesus Christ giving himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age! That’s the good news of God’s grace! That’s the gospel!

The acolytes Ben Vickers and Dustin Burlingame lit the candles as a symbol of Christ present in our midst. Bobby Huber brought in the bread and the cup of grape juice for the communion table, more reminders of the Lord’s presence.

Worship leader, Shirley Lynn, welcomed us and made the announcements. Then Pastor Barbara reminded us that June 1 was the fifth anniversary of the congregation’s gracious call to her to transition from part-time interim minister to permanent full-time minister.

The theme of grace continued in our call to worship and in our hymns. “By grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God….” Pastor Barbara emphasized the importance of our remembering that God initiated the process that brought us back to the safety of God’s loving embrace.

In our testimony we might forget that God went out looking for us like the shepherd looking for the lost lamb. It was God who swept the floor and moved furniture, searching for us like the woman who finally found the lost coin and rejoiced. “We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works…” Grace at work!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Pastor's Notes for May 30, 2010

In this blog we have listed several various opportunities for service in the congregation. Please prayerfully consider one of these and let us know in the office of your willingness to serve. The number is 876-3526.

FROM PETER CHEI’S LENDING LIBRARY we have received a couple of boxes of books. Who will help organize these in the shelves in the Prayer Room and make them available to everyone. If you are willing to to do this, please call the office.

STOCKING THE PANTRY is a necessary task from time to time. That entails moving bags of donated food from the foyer to the annex and putting it on the shelves. Call the office or speak directly with Laura Hicks to volunteer.

VOLUNTEERS AT OUR PICNIC BOOTH are asked to give at least an hour of their time during the picnic in July. Picnic planners include Jennie Barrett, Mary Horn, Lonnie McNeese, Don Wooldridge & Bill Yurk. Space has been secured but we need workers to help set up on July 14th and take down on July 17th. The booth will be staffed from 6pm to 10pm on the 15th, 16th, & 17th with at least two people each hour. We trust there will be twenty-four willing souls to fill those hours. Jennie is taking names of volunteers. See her next week.
WHO IS WILLING to shadow Deanna for a week and learn her routine? Please call the office & make arrangements.

CAMP CONTRIBUTIONS designated CAMP (for Sara Culbertson & Ben Vickers) can be placed in the collection.

Reflecting on the Scriptures: CREATOR~PEACEMAKER~GUIDE
Psalm 8. Creation itself declares the existence of a creator. The expanse of the heavens humbles us and makes us mindful of our insignificance in relationship to the whole!

Romans 5:1-5. We are made right with God thru our faith in Jesus Christ who came to make peace for us with God.

John 16:12-15. Jesus promised the Spirit would guide his followers into truth.

Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31. Wisdom, in the Proverbs, is a personification of the Holy Spirit, present at creation, willing to teach, bless, and guide the ones who seek God’s way.

Youth Sunday ~ May 30, 2010

Because May 30th is a fifth Sunday the congregation celebrates Youth Sunday. May 30th is also celebrated as Trinity Sunday--a recognition of our devotion to one God manifest in scripture as Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Trinity Sunday ~ Youth Sunday

Today, to give a taste of the Youth Sunday service in this blog we include our rearranged order of worship to 'recreate' the order of our Sunday Night Youth Group.

Our service of worship began as usual:
Pianist ~ Organist Claudine Pope
Reminders of Christ’s Presence Acolytes bring the light and the elements

Welcome & Sign the Friendship Pad by Ben Vickers
Praise Chorus: Lord, We Lift Your Name on High

Invitation to Communion by Pastor Barbara
Communion Spiritual: Let Us Break Bread Together

Communion Meditation by Jacob Walsh
Communion Prayer by an Elder
Hold the cup, consume when the Spirit moves you.
*Gloria Patri

Offertory Thought by Megan Brackenridge
Dedication Chorus: Awesome God
Offertory Prayer by an Elder

While we set up for the Bible study Nathan & Debbie Vickers taught us a new chorus reflecting the Trinity:
Father, I adore you; lay my life before you. How I love you.
Jesus, I adore you; lay my life before you. How I love you.
Spirit, I adore you; lay my life before you. How I love you.


Discussing the Trinity
Consider the egg: one egg with 3 parts--white, yolk, shell--but still one egg.
Father - Son - Holy Spirit / Creator - Redeemer - Sustainer
Genesis 1:1-2 ~ Matthew 1:18-20 ~ John 16:13a

Romans 5:1-5 God ~ Peacemaker ~ Guide


Awarding Scholars Two graduating seniors from our congregation, Megan Brackenridge and Ashley McConnaughey, receive the Joe Roberts Education Scholarship.

Run the Cup We also take time to express our appreciation to those involved with our children and youth during the last few years by giving them a mug with the words, "I thank God for you."

First we honor the teachers present...

BIBLE TEACHERS over the last several years
Berta Anderson—Ida Williams
Connie Leonard
Lisa Cochran—Carolyn Steward
Nina Plaskett
Claudine Pope—John Leonard (substitutes)

...and then, we honor the families who have opened their homes to us.

SUNDAY NIGHT HOSTS over the last several years
Berta Anderson—Jennie Barrett-Jerry & Carleen Brackenridge—Dick & Rhonda Culbertson-Mike & Suzan Durnell—Thelma & L.D. Forest-Mike & Cathy Frier—Lynne Hedrick—Jim & Lois Herbst-Deanna Johnston—John & Connie Leonard-Rosemary & Roland Lusk—Becky McConnaughey-Barbara & Thomas Minton—Kyle & Debbie Vickers-Barbara & Jacob Walsh—Darlene & Quentin Walsh-Shannah Warrick

PRESENTLY HOSTING: Berta Anderson—Thelma Forest—Mike & Cathy Friers—Deanna Johnston—Kyle & Debbie Vickers—Quentin & Darlene Walsh

Today we also have the joy of welcoming two new people into our fellowship: Kendall Voris & Jerri Brown

CLOSING PRAYER CIRCLE, our traditional closing of Sunday Night Youth Group, became a circle around our sanctuary for our final prayer and Lord's Prayer.

Pastoral Prayer concerns and joys shared by Pastor Barbara
*Congregational Prayer Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

*Closing Song: This Is the Day

Today we also had two special guests:
Joseph Rivera from Potosi, Bolivia--the international program staff for Summer Camp at Rickman Center in Jefferson City. He and Jacob Walsh will be working together at the camp.

Makenzie Melton and her family joined us with Barbara Walsh for today's service.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Pastor's Notes fo May 23, 2010

Saturday, May 22,
We celebrated Megan Brackenridge’s graduation party at Land-O-Lakes Fairgrounds.

Sunday May 23, High school graduation at the football field.

Sunday May 23,
We celebrated Ashley’s graduation party, Sac Osage Community Room.

Today is Pentecost, one of the three pilgrimage festivals in Jewish worship. Called the Feast of Weeks or Shavout, it is a joyful celebration bringing the first fruits of the wheat harvest to God. Later generations celebrate the giving of the Ten Commandments on this day. Jews gathered in Jerusalem for this celebration at the Temple.

On the first Pentecost after the resurrection the promised Holy Spirit fell on the 120 disciples of Jesus. Church tradition has red symbolizing the Holy Spirit, so today we wore red to celebrate the Spirit’s work in us and through us.

Reflecting on the Scriptures: JESUS & JOEL SPEAK
John 14:8-17 (25-27). Jesus promises his obedient followers an abiding and indwelling Advocate, the Holy Spirit. In this scriptue Jesus speaks to us today of 1) spiritual companionship, 2) community, 3) peace, and 4) comfort.

Acts 2:1-21. Compare to Joel 2:28-32. On Pentecost the Holy Spirit empowers Jesus’ followers to speak in various languages. Peter quotes the prophet, Joel, to clarify the event. People from many nations heard the news about Jesus in their language!

Peter understands that we are living in the last days. 1) A new era of God’s mighty works begins with this outpouring of the Holy Spirit. 2) A new aspect of God’s work begins. In these last days the Spirit is lavished upon us, regardless of age, gender, social class, or economic status. When the Spirit works within a congregation there will be 3) mutual respect—because the Spirit empowers sons and daughter, women and men, young and old, slave and free.

Genesis 11:1-9. Centuries before people had rebelled against God. God scattered the people and confused their language! When the Holy Spirit came on Pentecost the followers of Jesus had the ability to speak the good news in every language—blessing the diversity of languages.

Psalm 104:24-35. Creation declares the manifold works of God—diverse yet looking to the Creator for provision!
“Bless the Lord, O my soul. Praise the Lord!”

Monday, May 17, 2010

Pastor's Notes for May 16, 2010

WE GATHERED TODAY for a Fellowship Meal to honor our graduates.
Middle school graduate: Bobby Huber.
High school graduates: Megan Brackenridge and Ashley McConnaughey.
We signed a card for Tegan Koca who graduated from the Universtiy of Arkansas last Sunday.

ASCENSION DAY & PENTECOST. Next Sunday we will celebrate the out-pouring of the Holy Spirit on the first Pentecost after the resurrection. Between the resurrection and Pentecost are 50 days. Jesus ascended into heaven 10 days before Pentecost. The disciples returned to Jerusalem to wait.
Ascension: Luke 24:44-54 & Acts 1:1-11. Pentecost: Acts 1 & 2.

WEAR RED ON PENTECOST. Symbols of the Holy Spirit vary. Scripture speaks of a descending dove at the baptism of Jesus; and at Pentecost, the sound of a rushing wind and tongues of fire hovering over the disciples’ heads.

Church tradition uses the color red to symbolize the Holy Spirit. As white declares the purity of Christ and green reminds us of our spiritual growth, the purple of advent and lent causes us to pause and reflect on God’s intervention and our own sinfulness, so red reminds us of the purifying fire of the Holy Spirit. Wear red next Sunday to celebrate the Spirit’s work within us and through us.

Reflecting on the Scriptures: THE POWER OF KNOWING
John 17:20-26.Jesus gives the glory of the Father to his disciples “so that the world may know…” that he is sent by God to reveal God’s love.

Acts 16:16-34. As the good news spreads, demons are exposed and defeated—and the desperate are given hope.

Revelation 22:12-17. In John’s vision Jesus promises to return to reward his own; and those who know him say, “Come, Lord Jesus!”

Psalm 97. A call to worship the Lord goes out to all of creation including those who know God.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Pastor's Notes for May 9, 2010

ADDRESSES you will want to note:
Stormy Keith
651 W. Nichols
Springfield, MO 65802

Tegan Koca
1764 N. Leverett Apt. 184
Fayetteville, Ark. 72703

We will honor our graduates with a carry-in meal next Sunday following our worship. Tegan Koca graduates from University of Arkansas in Fayetteville so add her to our graduate list. Middle school graduate: Bobby Huber.
High school graduates: Megan Brackenridge and Ashley McConnaughey.

NEW BULLETIN BOARD. Thanks to The Crusaders for the bulletin board by the water fountain. The flower garden honors the youngest ones in our congregation. Which group will take the responsibility for the board in July & August?

MOTHER’S DAY. Today our country honors the women who gave us birth and/or nurtured us. On this secular holiday I also think of the women who influenced my spiritual development—especially my maternal grandmother, my Sunday school teachers, and godly women who mentored me.

Take time to thank God for the influence of godly women in your life.

Reflecting on the Scriptures: IN THE ‘NOW’ & ‘NOT YET’

John 14:23-29. Facing death Jesus leaves a gift and a promise—abiding peace and the promised Advocate, the Holy Spirit and shalom to those who love him and keep his word. Jesus’ promises can be ‘Now’ in our lives.

Revelation 21:10, 22—22:5. God reveals the ‘Not Yet’ or the ‘yet to come’ to the Apostle John—the presence of God in the midst of the nations, life giving waters flowing freely.

Acts 16:9-15. We live in the ‘Now,’ looking forward to the ‘Not Yet,’ being obedient to share the good news of Christ.

Psalm 67. May the good news of God’s involvement in this world spread so that all nations can hear and rejoice.
“May God be gracious to us and bless us
and make his face shine upon us.”
Psalm 67:1

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Pastor's Notes for May 2, 2010

NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER. Contrary to the emails that are circulating the National Day of Prayer will be celebrated in our nation on Thursday, May 6. Locally we gather in the Community Center for breakfast and prayer. Have biscuits & gravy at 6:30 a.m. with prayers from 7 to 8 a.m. Be there or be in prayer for our community wherever you are at that time of day.

HONORING OUR GRADUATES with a carry-in Fellowship Meal following our worship services on Sunday, May 16. Our graduating seniors are Megan Brackenridge & Ashley McConnaughey. Moving into 9th grade is Bobby Huber.

WALKER CHRISTIAN CHURCH SALAD SUPPER Monday, May 3 at 6:30 p.m. in their fellowship hall. All women are invited to bring a salad and bring a friend. Speaker will be Nancy Hughes.

Reflecting on the Scriptures: JESUS’ LOVE REVISITED
John 13:31-35. On the night he was betrayed Jesus took a towel, washed feet, predicted his betrayal and denial, then he talked about love! Love was to become a defining quality of the church. Also read: Romans 5:1-8 & 12:9ff; 1 Corinthians 13:1-14:1; Galatians 5:6,13-14,and 22ff.

Acts 11:1-18. Peter declares the love of God to the non-Jews and this love is poured into their hearts by the Holy Spirit! Peter defends his actions to the Jewish believers in Jerusalem. They respond with understanding and love.

Psalm 148. All of creation in heaven and on earth is called to worship the Creator. All people, regardless of social status, age, or gender, are called to declare the glory of God!

Revelation 21:1-6. The old apostle John catches another glimpse into the heavenly realm—a vision of the future where all things will be made new.

When John wrote his gospel he did not tell us about the bread and the cup on the night Jesus was betrayed. What John recalls about that night is Jesus humbling himself and washing the disciples’ feet! John recalls Jesus talking to them about loving one another. John also remembers that Jesus prayed for them and for all believers down through the ages.

Matthew, also at the table that night, tells us that on this same night Jesus took bread, broke it and blessed it saying, “This is my body, given for you. Take and eat.” After the meal Jesus took the cup, blessed it and gave it to his disciples—saying “This is my blood of the new covenant poured out for many for the forgiveness of sin.” Let us receive this bread and cup in remembrance of the one who humbled himself, lived among us demonstrating God’s love and commanded us to love one another.