Monday, May 31, 2010

Pastor's Notes for May 30, 2010

In this blog we have listed several various opportunities for service in the congregation. Please prayerfully consider one of these and let us know in the office of your willingness to serve. The number is 876-3526.

FROM PETER CHEI’S LENDING LIBRARY we have received a couple of boxes of books. Who will help organize these in the shelves in the Prayer Room and make them available to everyone. If you are willing to to do this, please call the office.

STOCKING THE PANTRY is a necessary task from time to time. That entails moving bags of donated food from the foyer to the annex and putting it on the shelves. Call the office or speak directly with Laura Hicks to volunteer.

VOLUNTEERS AT OUR PICNIC BOOTH are asked to give at least an hour of their time during the picnic in July. Picnic planners include Jennie Barrett, Mary Horn, Lonnie McNeese, Don Wooldridge & Bill Yurk. Space has been secured but we need workers to help set up on July 14th and take down on July 17th. The booth will be staffed from 6pm to 10pm on the 15th, 16th, & 17th with at least two people each hour. We trust there will be twenty-four willing souls to fill those hours. Jennie is taking names of volunteers. See her next week.
WHO IS WILLING to shadow Deanna for a week and learn her routine? Please call the office & make arrangements.

CAMP CONTRIBUTIONS designated CAMP (for Sara Culbertson & Ben Vickers) can be placed in the collection.

Reflecting on the Scriptures: CREATOR~PEACEMAKER~GUIDE
Psalm 8. Creation itself declares the existence of a creator. The expanse of the heavens humbles us and makes us mindful of our insignificance in relationship to the whole!

Romans 5:1-5. We are made right with God thru our faith in Jesus Christ who came to make peace for us with God.

John 16:12-15. Jesus promised the Spirit would guide his followers into truth.

Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31. Wisdom, in the Proverbs, is a personification of the Holy Spirit, present at creation, willing to teach, bless, and guide the ones who seek God’s way.

Youth Sunday ~ May 30, 2010

Because May 30th is a fifth Sunday the congregation celebrates Youth Sunday. May 30th is also celebrated as Trinity Sunday--a recognition of our devotion to one God manifest in scripture as Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Trinity Sunday ~ Youth Sunday

Today, to give a taste of the Youth Sunday service in this blog we include our rearranged order of worship to 'recreate' the order of our Sunday Night Youth Group.

Our service of worship began as usual:
Pianist ~ Organist Claudine Pope
Reminders of Christ’s Presence Acolytes bring the light and the elements

Welcome & Sign the Friendship Pad by Ben Vickers
Praise Chorus: Lord, We Lift Your Name on High

Invitation to Communion by Pastor Barbara
Communion Spiritual: Let Us Break Bread Together

Communion Meditation by Jacob Walsh
Communion Prayer by an Elder
Hold the cup, consume when the Spirit moves you.
*Gloria Patri

Offertory Thought by Megan Brackenridge
Dedication Chorus: Awesome God
Offertory Prayer by an Elder

While we set up for the Bible study Nathan & Debbie Vickers taught us a new chorus reflecting the Trinity:
Father, I adore you; lay my life before you. How I love you.
Jesus, I adore you; lay my life before you. How I love you.
Spirit, I adore you; lay my life before you. How I love you.


Discussing the Trinity
Consider the egg: one egg with 3 parts--white, yolk, shell--but still one egg.
Father - Son - Holy Spirit / Creator - Redeemer - Sustainer
Genesis 1:1-2 ~ Matthew 1:18-20 ~ John 16:13a

Romans 5:1-5 God ~ Peacemaker ~ Guide


Awarding Scholars Two graduating seniors from our congregation, Megan Brackenridge and Ashley McConnaughey, receive the Joe Roberts Education Scholarship.

Run the Cup We also take time to express our appreciation to those involved with our children and youth during the last few years by giving them a mug with the words, "I thank God for you."

First we honor the teachers present...

BIBLE TEACHERS over the last several years
Berta Anderson—Ida Williams
Connie Leonard
Lisa Cochran—Carolyn Steward
Nina Plaskett
Claudine Pope—John Leonard (substitutes)

...and then, we honor the families who have opened their homes to us.

SUNDAY NIGHT HOSTS over the last several years
Berta Anderson—Jennie Barrett-Jerry & Carleen Brackenridge—Dick & Rhonda Culbertson-Mike & Suzan Durnell—Thelma & L.D. Forest-Mike & Cathy Frier—Lynne Hedrick—Jim & Lois Herbst-Deanna Johnston—John & Connie Leonard-Rosemary & Roland Lusk—Becky McConnaughey-Barbara & Thomas Minton—Kyle & Debbie Vickers-Barbara & Jacob Walsh—Darlene & Quentin Walsh-Shannah Warrick

PRESENTLY HOSTING: Berta Anderson—Thelma Forest—Mike & Cathy Friers—Deanna Johnston—Kyle & Debbie Vickers—Quentin & Darlene Walsh

Today we also have the joy of welcoming two new people into our fellowship: Kendall Voris & Jerri Brown

CLOSING PRAYER CIRCLE, our traditional closing of Sunday Night Youth Group, became a circle around our sanctuary for our final prayer and Lord's Prayer.

Pastoral Prayer concerns and joys shared by Pastor Barbara
*Congregational Prayer Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

*Closing Song: This Is the Day

Today we also had two special guests:
Joseph Rivera from Potosi, Bolivia--the international program staff for Summer Camp at Rickman Center in Jefferson City. He and Jacob Walsh will be working together at the camp.

Makenzie Melton and her family joined us with Barbara Walsh for today's service.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Pastor's Notes fo May 23, 2010

Saturday, May 22,
We celebrated Megan Brackenridge’s graduation party at Land-O-Lakes Fairgrounds.

Sunday May 23, High school graduation at the football field.

Sunday May 23,
We celebrated Ashley’s graduation party, Sac Osage Community Room.

Today is Pentecost, one of the three pilgrimage festivals in Jewish worship. Called the Feast of Weeks or Shavout, it is a joyful celebration bringing the first fruits of the wheat harvest to God. Later generations celebrate the giving of the Ten Commandments on this day. Jews gathered in Jerusalem for this celebration at the Temple.

On the first Pentecost after the resurrection the promised Holy Spirit fell on the 120 disciples of Jesus. Church tradition has red symbolizing the Holy Spirit, so today we wore red to celebrate the Spirit’s work in us and through us.

Reflecting on the Scriptures: JESUS & JOEL SPEAK
John 14:8-17 (25-27). Jesus promises his obedient followers an abiding and indwelling Advocate, the Holy Spirit. In this scriptue Jesus speaks to us today of 1) spiritual companionship, 2) community, 3) peace, and 4) comfort.

Acts 2:1-21. Compare to Joel 2:28-32. On Pentecost the Holy Spirit empowers Jesus’ followers to speak in various languages. Peter quotes the prophet, Joel, to clarify the event. People from many nations heard the news about Jesus in their language!

Peter understands that we are living in the last days. 1) A new era of God’s mighty works begins with this outpouring of the Holy Spirit. 2) A new aspect of God’s work begins. In these last days the Spirit is lavished upon us, regardless of age, gender, social class, or economic status. When the Spirit works within a congregation there will be 3) mutual respect—because the Spirit empowers sons and daughter, women and men, young and old, slave and free.

Genesis 11:1-9. Centuries before people had rebelled against God. God scattered the people and confused their language! When the Holy Spirit came on Pentecost the followers of Jesus had the ability to speak the good news in every language—blessing the diversity of languages.

Psalm 104:24-35. Creation declares the manifold works of God—diverse yet looking to the Creator for provision!
“Bless the Lord, O my soul. Praise the Lord!”

Monday, May 17, 2010

Pastor's Notes for May 16, 2010

WE GATHERED TODAY for a Fellowship Meal to honor our graduates.
Middle school graduate: Bobby Huber.
High school graduates: Megan Brackenridge and Ashley McConnaughey.
We signed a card for Tegan Koca who graduated from the Universtiy of Arkansas last Sunday.

ASCENSION DAY & PENTECOST. Next Sunday we will celebrate the out-pouring of the Holy Spirit on the first Pentecost after the resurrection. Between the resurrection and Pentecost are 50 days. Jesus ascended into heaven 10 days before Pentecost. The disciples returned to Jerusalem to wait.
Ascension: Luke 24:44-54 & Acts 1:1-11. Pentecost: Acts 1 & 2.

WEAR RED ON PENTECOST. Symbols of the Holy Spirit vary. Scripture speaks of a descending dove at the baptism of Jesus; and at Pentecost, the sound of a rushing wind and tongues of fire hovering over the disciples’ heads.

Church tradition uses the color red to symbolize the Holy Spirit. As white declares the purity of Christ and green reminds us of our spiritual growth, the purple of advent and lent causes us to pause and reflect on God’s intervention and our own sinfulness, so red reminds us of the purifying fire of the Holy Spirit. Wear red next Sunday to celebrate the Spirit’s work within us and through us.

Reflecting on the Scriptures: THE POWER OF KNOWING
John 17:20-26.Jesus gives the glory of the Father to his disciples “so that the world may know…” that he is sent by God to reveal God’s love.

Acts 16:16-34. As the good news spreads, demons are exposed and defeated—and the desperate are given hope.

Revelation 22:12-17. In John’s vision Jesus promises to return to reward his own; and those who know him say, “Come, Lord Jesus!”

Psalm 97. A call to worship the Lord goes out to all of creation including those who know God.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Pastor's Notes for May 9, 2010

ADDRESSES you will want to note:
Stormy Keith
651 W. Nichols
Springfield, MO 65802

Tegan Koca
1764 N. Leverett Apt. 184
Fayetteville, Ark. 72703

We will honor our graduates with a carry-in meal next Sunday following our worship. Tegan Koca graduates from University of Arkansas in Fayetteville so add her to our graduate list. Middle school graduate: Bobby Huber.
High school graduates: Megan Brackenridge and Ashley McConnaughey.

NEW BULLETIN BOARD. Thanks to The Crusaders for the bulletin board by the water fountain. The flower garden honors the youngest ones in our congregation. Which group will take the responsibility for the board in July & August?

MOTHER’S DAY. Today our country honors the women who gave us birth and/or nurtured us. On this secular holiday I also think of the women who influenced my spiritual development—especially my maternal grandmother, my Sunday school teachers, and godly women who mentored me.

Take time to thank God for the influence of godly women in your life.

Reflecting on the Scriptures: IN THE ‘NOW’ & ‘NOT YET’

John 14:23-29. Facing death Jesus leaves a gift and a promise—abiding peace and the promised Advocate, the Holy Spirit and shalom to those who love him and keep his word. Jesus’ promises can be ‘Now’ in our lives.

Revelation 21:10, 22—22:5. God reveals the ‘Not Yet’ or the ‘yet to come’ to the Apostle John—the presence of God in the midst of the nations, life giving waters flowing freely.

Acts 16:9-15. We live in the ‘Now,’ looking forward to the ‘Not Yet,’ being obedient to share the good news of Christ.

Psalm 67. May the good news of God’s involvement in this world spread so that all nations can hear and rejoice.
“May God be gracious to us and bless us
and make his face shine upon us.”
Psalm 67:1

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Pastor's Notes for May 2, 2010

NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER. Contrary to the emails that are circulating the National Day of Prayer will be celebrated in our nation on Thursday, May 6. Locally we gather in the Community Center for breakfast and prayer. Have biscuits & gravy at 6:30 a.m. with prayers from 7 to 8 a.m. Be there or be in prayer for our community wherever you are at that time of day.

HONORING OUR GRADUATES with a carry-in Fellowship Meal following our worship services on Sunday, May 16. Our graduating seniors are Megan Brackenridge & Ashley McConnaughey. Moving into 9th grade is Bobby Huber.

WALKER CHRISTIAN CHURCH SALAD SUPPER Monday, May 3 at 6:30 p.m. in their fellowship hall. All women are invited to bring a salad and bring a friend. Speaker will be Nancy Hughes.

Reflecting on the Scriptures: JESUS’ LOVE REVISITED
John 13:31-35. On the night he was betrayed Jesus took a towel, washed feet, predicted his betrayal and denial, then he talked about love! Love was to become a defining quality of the church. Also read: Romans 5:1-8 & 12:9ff; 1 Corinthians 13:1-14:1; Galatians 5:6,13-14,and 22ff.

Acts 11:1-18. Peter declares the love of God to the non-Jews and this love is poured into their hearts by the Holy Spirit! Peter defends his actions to the Jewish believers in Jerusalem. They respond with understanding and love.

Psalm 148. All of creation in heaven and on earth is called to worship the Creator. All people, regardless of social status, age, or gender, are called to declare the glory of God!

Revelation 21:1-6. The old apostle John catches another glimpse into the heavenly realm—a vision of the future where all things will be made new.

When John wrote his gospel he did not tell us about the bread and the cup on the night Jesus was betrayed. What John recalls about that night is Jesus humbling himself and washing the disciples’ feet! John recalls Jesus talking to them about loving one another. John also remembers that Jesus prayed for them and for all believers down through the ages.

Matthew, also at the table that night, tells us that on this same night Jesus took bread, broke it and blessed it saying, “This is my body, given for you. Take and eat.” After the meal Jesus took the cup, blessed it and gave it to his disciples—saying “This is my blood of the new covenant poured out for many for the forgiveness of sin.” Let us receive this bread and cup in remembrance of the one who humbled himself, lived among us demonstrating God’s love and commanded us to love one another.