Monday, April 26, 2010

Pastor's Notes for April 25, 2010

HAVING A PRESENCE AT THE PICNIC. At the last meeting the Board agreed that we should have a booth at the annual picnic this year. Who will help plan and coordinate this project? Already good ideas have begun to surface. Please communicate your willingness to be on the planning committee to the office as quickly as possible.

YOUTH OUTING. Free Concert by ‘Daybreak’ in Lamar this coming Friday, April 30, 7:00 p.m. sponsored by F.C.A. Our van leaves from the FCC parking lot at 5:15 p.m.

If you plan to go tell Pastor Barbara and check to see that we have a signed release form for you. If you bring friends they must have a parent sign their release form also. Bring money for fast food. Expected return, about 10:30 p.m.

Reflecting on the Scriptures: DEVOTION TO GOOD DEEDS

Acts 9:36-43. What characterized life in the ‘called out’ community of faith after the resurrection? We see a community that shared with others, demonstrated concern for the poor, for those ill and dying. In this instance Dorcas is remembered for her devotion to good deeds and charitable acts. Being a seamstress, she provided for others

John 10:22-30. Before his death Jesus was often questioned about his authenticity. Are you the Messiah? In one instance Jesus said, “The works that I do in my Father’s name testify to me.” His good deeds show God’s goodness.

Psalm23. The psalmist celebrates God’s devotion to good deeds! Provision and sustenance, restoration and guidance, comfort in the face of danger, goodness and mercy….

Revelation 7:9-17. Devotion to good deeds does not always receive a good response! Worshipping around the throne of God are those who have come through the great ordeal here on earth, those who died for their faith. And God continues to minister goodness to them, wiping tears from their eyes.

As the congregation gathered we sang “Holy Ground” and the acolytes, Dustin Burlingame and Brandon Parker, lit the candles symbolizing the presence of Christ. Bobby Huber placed the bread and chalice on the communion table. Nina Plaskett called us to worship and greeted our guests. Dr. Cathy Frier shared the Children’s Moment because Dr. Mike was sick. She encouraged us to enjoy God’s beautiful creation and take care of it.

Pastor Barbara continued the sermon series, Life after the Resurrection. What difference did the resurrection make in the life of the early church?
In the first century there was anticipation of the Lord’s immediate return, intentional worship with lives reflecting the holiness of God, and good works like those of Dorcas in Acts 9 or Barnabas in Acts 4.

Faithfulness in doing good is a response to the Lord’s faithfulness toward us. As we devote ourselves to good works there is the danger that we begin to think that God owes us, that we have earned God’s favor. Not true! Ephesians 2:10 says “…we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

The good in us is God’s work, not our own! The good we do is what God planned for us to do!

Anticipation, worship, and good works characterized the first century disciples because the Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead was at work in them. How do we reflect these same characteristics?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Pastor's Notes for April 18, 2010

Sorry I am late in posting these notes this week. Time just got away from me!

WORKING LUNCH. Thirteen of us met for the Working Lunch after worship on Sunday, actually we were fourteen, if I count myself. One committee chair and several committee members were present. Some of our newest members, five elders, an elder emeritus and several deacons completed the circle around the table. A more complete report of the ideas we exchanged and plans we made will be forthcoming.

YOUTH OUTING. Free Concert by ‘Daybreak’ in Lamar for high school & middle school, on Friday, April 30, 7:00 p.m. sponsored by Fellowship of Christian Athletes in Lamar. Arrangements are being made to travel with BoB (Bunch of Believers), the youth group from Disciples Christian Church in Nevada.

Our van will leave FCC parking lot at 5:15 p.m. April 30th.
Call the office before next Sunday to reserve your place in the van.
Parental release forms are required for each youth going to the concert.
Take money for fast food. Estimated time of return: 10:30 p.m.

Reflecting on the Scriptures: PASSIONATE WORSHIP
Psalm 30. According to the psalmist, passionate worship extols God’s character—God’s ability to rescue, restore, redeem, and heal; God’s response to cries for help. The worshipper responds to God with praise and thanksgiving, celebrating the reversal of circumstances.

Revelation 5:(1-10) 11-14. Passionate worship surrounding the throne of God and the Lamb! A scene described for a people who were being forced to worship the Roman emperor, ascribing to him all power and might and honor! Read and meditate on Revelation 4 and 5 to experience the ever-expanding circles of worship due God and the Lamb.

John 21:1-19. In the weeks following the resurrection Peter attempts to return to life as usual. Another encounter with the risen Lord brought back old memories of denial and provided opportunity for healing, a reversal of circumstances and a renewed call to follow the Lord even unto death!

Acts 9:1-6 (7-20). Saul (soon to become the Apostle Paul) demonstrates an uninformed passion that led him to persecute the church. An encounter with the risen and ascended Lord turns his world around and, from that point on, he passionately proclaimed the good news. “Jesus is the Son of God!”

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Pastor's Notes for April11, 2010


Working Lunch, Sunday noon, April 18, in our fellowship hall. I personally invite all members who are longing to grow, especially committees and their chairs. RSVP to the office by Wednesday April 14.

Ozark Lakes Area Leadership Conference, Saturday, April 24 in Harrisonville for church leaders, elders, deacons, committee chairs… Area Minister Mike Weinman will lead the conversation. 10 am-2pm RSVP by April 20.

Beth Moore simulcast event, Saturday, April 24, live via satellite on CCN @ First Baptist Church in Nevada, MO. Tickets are $15 and include lunch. 8:30am-3:00pm. Presentation: SO LONG, INSECURITY by Beth Moore

Joyce Meyer Ministries Conference in Springfield on May 20-21 at JQH Arena. It's free! More information later.

PASTORAL RELATIONS met today, April 11th, after worship. Committee: Mike Frier, Bill Johnston, Quinton Walsh, Lucille Tschanz, Rosemary Lusk, Maxine Carty. Good encouraging meeting. Report will be in the May newsletter.

Reflecting on the Scriptures
John 20:19-31. Disciples huddled in fearful anticipation. Death hung in the air but Life walked through the locked door declaring “Peace!” Fear turned to joy and doubt turned to faith. Jesus blessed us, those who believe without seeing. Jesus' anticipation for the generations to come.

Acts 5:27-32. In the weeks following the resurrection the disciples continued to tell the resurrection story in spite of the council’s strict orders to cease, choosing to obey God rather than human officials. Was their anticipation blessed?

Revelation 1:4-8. Decades later peace continues to be spoken, “Grace to you and peace from him who is and who was and who is to come….” Blessed anticipation!

Psalm 150. The ancient psalmist calls God’s people to live with an attitude of praise—whether gathering in the sanctuary with a variety of instruments, dancing, singing or walking under the heavens with songs of praise on our lips. Simply praise the Lord, anticipating his blessings!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Sunday 2010

Last Sunday Christians around the world gathered to celebrate the resurrection. Some spent Saturday in a prayer vigil and celebrated the resurrection shortly after midnight. Others gathered at sunrise to remember the discovery of the empty tomb. The Ministerial Association hosted a sunrise service at First Baptist Church. Several denominations gathered to worship together. Retired Pastor Jim Smith from the United Methodist Church brought the message: He is Risen! He is risen, indeed!

Disciples Men from First Christian Church hosted a community breakfast after the sunrise service. Several trekked down from the Baptist Church for pancakes in the Christian church fellowship hall.

Later as the congregation gathered, special music helped us raise our praise to the Risen Lord. Darlene Walsh led worship. Elders Kyle Vickers and Jim Pope presided at the Lord’s Table. Pastor Barbara emphasized the implications of the resurrection for life today, concluding that the resurrection is much more than a doctrine to be learned and affirmed. Resurrection is a spiritual reality to be integrated into the very core of our being and manifest in the fabric of our daily life. “…if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies….” Romans 8:11

John Leonard provided the Children’s Moment. After the service Mary Horn and Berta Anderson distributed homemade baskets to the children. Each basket contained special goodies and a book telling the resurrection story.